I have ridden and worked with horses most of my life, from riding and breaking Shetlands as a kid and then quarter horses as I outgrew the little guys. In the late 80’s, my husband Kenny and I reluctantly sold our horses due to all our energy being funneled into creating our own businesses. Since that day, I have always had a hole in my heart.
A couple of years ago, I became interested in the miniature horses. After extensive research, I decided to create Bar U5 Miniature Horse Farm (U5 was my Grandfathers old brand). I wanted brood mares that would produce refined foals. Foals that would possess chiseled Arabian-type heads, tiny tight ears, long arched necks, magnificent shoulders, short backs, a strong hip and high tail sets. Don't we all!
Luckily, I didn’t have to go too far to search for the right package. Wisteria Mini Horse Ranch, owned by Rex and Monette Freeman was only a short drive away. Monette was very helpful in guiding me through both processes of selecting and buying the horses. She always took the time and effort to educate me on the "do's & dont's" of caring and breeding mini horses. She has become not only my mentor, but also my friend…..Thank You Monette.
We purchased 4 excellent brood mares from the Freeman’s Horse Ranch, Wisteria. In the meantime, our girls have produced 2 fillies and 2 colts for us. Each and every foal that we have been blessed with is imprinted. The foals receive our one on one attention from the time they are born until they are ready to leave for their new homes. The foals born to our mares are fully prepared to embark on either an ambitious show career or becoming a valuable asset to any breeding program.
*We will work with you on payment plans or quanity discounts in order for you to get a mini horse you can be proud of
Call: 337-394-6683 WRITE TO US OR EMAIL WANDA .
Belle Ecorce Farm's Bar U5 Miniature Horses
AMHA registry and the AMHR registry and their differences:
AMHA American Miniature Hose Association - A Texas based registry which requires all of their miniature horses to measure 34" or less.
AMHR American Miniature Horse Registry - An Illinois based registry has two seperate height catagories under their definition of a miniature horse:
Division "A" miniature - 34" and under
Division "B" miniature - over 34" to 38"
We are members of the AMHA & AMHR. Both registries offer year round shows & a National Competition.
Amerian Miniature Horse Association
American Miniature Horse Registry
Bar U5 Miniature Horses